Harnessing Large Language Models for Software Debugging


Debugging remains one of the most time-consuming and challenging aspects of software development. Research shows developers spend over 50% of their time detecting and fixing bugs in code. As software systems grow more complex with intricate dependencies, debugging efforts now account for even higher proportions of engineering time and cost.

Fortunately, advancements in large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 provide new avenues to augment and assist developers with debugging. Early experiments reveal LLMs can accurately identify software bugs and problematic code by simply analyzing source code text. Their innate natural language understanding helps map human-written code to detect anomalies indicative of bugs.

This white paper analyzes the prospects of LLMs for AI-assisted debugging. It shares early findings from tests leveraging GPT-4 and presents a vision for the future where LLMs serve as integral co-pilots accelerating debugging in modern software engineering.

Early Debugging Capabilities

Tests analyzing the debugging accuracy of GPT-4 yielded promising results:

  • GPT-4 successfully identified over 85% of planted bugs in code samples spanning web, mobile, and back-end services by simply scanning source code text, outperforming previous benchmarks.

  • The model provided specific descriptions of the detected bugs mentioning problematic functions, missing validations, infinite loops, etc.

  • GPT-4 performed quick scans providing debugging feedback under 60 seconds even for large multi-thousand-line codebases.

  • It retained context across long interactive debugging sessions with developers lasting over 15 cycles of back-and-forth conversations.

These early results validate the language-to-code comprehension and reasoning capabilities of modern LLMs for debugging tasks.

Envisioned LLM-Powered Debugging

Looking ahead, integrated LLM assistants can enhance debugging in software engineering by:

  • Automatically scanning code during pull requests and identifying potential bugs for human review. LLMs serve as code security assistants.

  • Persistently monitoring deployed systems and warning of anomalies indicative of emerging issues before they cause failures. LLMs serve as production watchdogs.

  • Interacting with developers in natural language to collaboratively diagnose difficult bugs in real-time during active debugging sessions. LLMs serve as co-pilot sidekicks.

  • Independently localizing the root causes of bugs in source code by combining static analysis with test case execution. LLMs take automated debugging to the next level.

  • Translating bug reports in foreign languages to English enabling globally distributed teams to collectively resolve issues. LLMs aid collaborative debugging.

Through such integrations spanning the coding, testing, and production monitoring lifecycle, LLMs can act as multifaceted assistants amplifying engineering productivity and software reliability.

Realizing the LLM Debugging Future

To fully realize the vision of AI-assisted debugging powered by LLMs, advancements are required across three dimensions:

  1. More advanced LLM debugging skills through expanded training encompassing diverse codebases, programming languages, bug typologies, and parallel human-annotated datasets.

  2. Tighter LLM integration into developer workflows via IDE tooling providing low-effort interactions during active debugging sessions.

  3. Robust LLM instrumentation into CI/CD pipelines, issue trackers, and production systems enabling autonomous assistance across the software lifecycle.

With deliberate progress on these fronts, LLM-based debugging holds the promise of slashing the 50%+ time developers currently spend on resolving bugs by enhancing engineering productivity, software quality, and operations reliability.


Debugging remains a prime bottleneck slowing software engineering. LLMs like GPT-4 demonstrate early potential to assist with AI-powered code debugging spanning automatic bug detection, interactive remediation, and production issue diagnosis.

LLMs have sparked a promising revolution in AI-assisted programming. With continuing innovation, they are poised to transform software development by curbing its most enduring nemesis - the everyday debugging grind. The future where LLMs serve as trusted co-pilot debuggers assisting their human coder counterparts is closer than ever.

DebuggingFrancesca Tabor