Can business-as-usual really deliver your future ambitions?

We help brave businesses to evolve for the future by bridging the gap between short-term commercial action and long-term sustainable ambitions. You bridge the gap by:

  1. SETTING THE DIRECTION – We enable you to clarify your purpose beyond profits and define missions you can own by analysing, re-imagining and designing new business models and brands that build lasting value.

  2. LEARNING TO RUN – We build innovation management systems and coach leadership teams to define the actions needed today to deliver your future ambitions quickly, using data-driven methods and proven agile tools.

The larger the gap the more radical innovations are needed. Business-as-usual will lead to a painful death. You need to be clear on your ambitions and be brave enough to test the paths that can take you there.

The Growth Gap and The Impact Gap


Most companies have an optimistic business plan – promises to the owners and the stock market – that is not matched by their current business plan. That difference is called The Growth Gap.

In a similar way, ambitious sustainability goals (eg carbon emission free by 2030) will not be met by incremental improvements in company’s activities. We call this The Impact Gap.

By aligning business development, innovation capabilities and sustainability ambitions, we empower people and enable organisations to thrive in an uncertain future.