Competitive Analysis

I can offer your business, competitive analysis, to uncover the key players in your space, their business models, your competitive advantage and the threat of new entrants.

The threat of new entrants will be higher in a competitive industry or sector which is highly profitable. Some deterrents to ease of entry into a market include patents, high capital requirements, customer loyalty to established brands, existing economies to scale and high switching costs/barriers.

A competitive advantage is an attribute that allows a company to outperform its competitors. This allows a company to achieve superior margins compared to its competition and generates value for the company and its shareholders. A competitive advantage must be difficult, if not impossible, to duplicate. If it is easily copied or imitated, it is not considered a competitive advantage. Broadly speaking competitive advantage usually falls into one of two camps - cost Leadership, through the establishment of economies of scale and product/service differentiation  Other examples of a competitive advantage include:

  • Access to natural resources that are restricted to competitors

  • Highly skilled labor

  • A unique geographic location

  • Access to new or proprietary technology

  • Ability to manufacture products at the lowest cost

  • Brand image recognition

Once we have identified your unique competitive advantage, we can look at ways in which you can develop expertise in these areas of relative excellence and eliminate or outsource the remainder of business activities. By being able to do so, your organisation can provide a unique and unparalleled product, service, or perspective to the market and consumers.