Materiality matrix


Dialogue with stakeholders

We are aware of the impact of our activities and maintain a regular dialogue with our stakeholders at every step of a building's life. In some cases, we interact with our stakeholders in multiple ways: a banker can be a capital supplier and, at the same time, a tenant or a local resident of one of our buildings.

Our materiality matrix was established for the first time in 2014 according to the GRI guidelines. It is reviewed and fine-tuned every year, based on an ongoing dialogue with the stakeholders.

Priority issues

The materiality matrix reflects the perception of challenges between Cofinimmo and its stakeholders.

We have identified 9 priority action fields tackling environmental, economic and social aspects. They are located in the upper right area, beyond the green arc of the matrix.

We will answer to these priorities taking into account the occupants future needs and a sufficient level of profitability to remunerate investors.