Real Time Air Quality Maps & Sensors with Air IQ

The Air IQ business model, primarily exemplified by AirIQ Inc., focuses on leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) technology for asset management and tracking. This model can be effectively adapted to the water industry, particularly in the realms of water quality monitoring and management.

Air IQ Business Model Overview

AirIQ Inc. specializes in IoT-based asset management solutions, providing businesses with tools to monitor their assets in real-time. Their offerings include mobile and web-based applications that integrate seamlessly with existing software, allowing for fleet reporting, maintenance, compliance, safety, and analytics. This model has proven successful, as evidenced by a reported 11% increase in recurring revenue, marking eight consecutive years of growth.Key elements of the Air IQ model include:

  • Real-time Monitoring: Using GPS and IoT technology, AirIQ allows businesses to track assets' locations and conditions in real-time, enhancing operational efficiency.

  • Data Analytics: The platform provides insights into asset performance, helping businesses make informed decisions regarding maintenance and resource allocation.

  • Scalability: AirIQ's solutions cater to businesses of all sizes, making it adaptable to various operational scales and needs.

Application of the Air IQ Model to Water Management

The principles underlying the Air IQ business model can be effectively applied to the water industry in several ways:

1. Water Quality Monitoring

Similar to how AirIQ monitors assets, a water management system could utilize IoT sensors to monitor water quality in real-time. These sensors could track parameters such as pH levels, turbidity, and the presence of contaminants. This data could be collected and analyzed to ensure compliance with health standards and to respond proactively to any quality issues.

2. Leak Detection and Asset Management

IoT technology can be used to monitor water distribution systems for leaks or inefficiencies. By integrating sensors throughout the water supply network, utilities can receive alerts about potential leaks, allowing for timely repairs that minimize water loss and reduce operational costs.

3. Predictive Maintenance

Just as AirIQ provides analytics for vehicle maintenance, a water management system could analyze data from water infrastructure to predict when maintenance is needed. This approach would help prevent costly breakdowns and ensure the reliability of water supply systems.

4. Customer Engagement and Reporting

Water utilities could adopt a similar customer engagement model to AirIQ, providing customers with access to real-time data about their water usage and quality. This transparency can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage responsible water usage.

5. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

Automated data collection and analysis can simplify compliance with environmental regulations. Water utilities can generate reports based on real-time data, ensuring they meet regulatory requirements efficiently.


The Air IQ business model exemplifies how IoT technology can enhance operational efficiency and decision-making through real-time data analytics and monitoring. By applying these principles to the water industry, utilities can improve water quality management, reduce waste, and enhance customer engagement, ultimately leading to more sustainable water resource management practices.